A Surprise – you’ve gotta be in it to win it :)

Afternoon all

As promised, I have a little surprise for you, more about that later…..

I couldn’t sleep last night, so in the wee dark hours I got my Strawberry Kisses stuff out and made a card 🙂

This one is using one of new Card Mate’s, which are a little like card companion’s but A5 with a space to stamp your image 🙂

I love these designs, There so me, when putting this range together I have indulged myself a little I am afraid.  I’ve also used a sheet of the flowers from the CD and stamped the Birthday Kitten Image which I have coloured with Spectrum Noir pens.

I’ve matted and layered with some core’dinations card which I think has provided the perfect base for the card mate (Hint hint as to my surprise – keep reading)

I’ve coloured the Birthday Kitten with Spectrum Noir Pens, which can be found on the Crafter’s Companion Website.  I’ve printed the Card Mate onto Neenah Card, because I wanted to colour in the stamped image with my Speccies!  Neenah is a really good medium tp print on actually because it’s very smooth you get a stunning result and fabulous colour representation.

You can see the stamped and coloured Kitty a little closer in this image

I cut out an layered one of the flowers printed from the CD again, and finished it off in the centre with a little ribbon and a button.

OK – now for my SURPRISE – I hope you are following the Inspiration Blog Hop over on the Crafter’s Companion Blog.  Where you are in with a chance to win the CD and stamps, winner announced tomorrow.

Well, I have a pad of Core’dination’s SO MOD to ……… GIVE AWAY! …….. I know I’ve lost the plot, I should be hanging on to it by my finger nails, but it’s so perfect to go with the Strawberry Kisses Range I wanted to give you the opportunity to win it 🙂

All you have to do, is, leave a comment on this post telling me which of the stamps from the new range is your favourite and why, and then leave me a link to either your blog or Facebook page, or what ever you have…. where you have linked to this post and explained that I have a competition to win a pad of Core’dination’s SO MOD, and link to my post here.  It’s worth 29.99 so it’s well worth winning 🙂

I will draw the winner tomorrow evening before I set off to the studio’s and announce it on my blog.

Let’s see how many comments we can get. GOOD LUCK.

L x

67 responses to “A Surprise – you’ve gotta be in it to win it :)”

  1. I think it is really hard to choose a favourite stamp as I like them all, but if I really had to it would be “My Boy”, that puppy is just sooooo cute

  2. Lovely card Leann, cant wait for friday to see all the demos and get my strawberry kisses xxx

  3. Hi Leanne, What a fantastic generous give away, thanks for giving us the chance to win. I love the image that you have used for this gorgeous card but I think my favorite is still the party animal one with the cat asleep in the shoe. I have posted a heads up about your giveaway on both my wordpress blog http://craftymonster81.wordpress.com/2012/01/04/a-quick-heads-up/ and my blogger blog http://craftymonster81.blogspot.com/2012/01/quick-heads-up.html to let people know about it.
    Lindsay xx

  4. My favourite is the party girl stamp as the image is so adorable & I’ve already thought of loads of cards to make from just that stamp!
    Can’t wait for them to launch on Friday 🙂 thanks for the competition Leann xx

  5. Its absolutely gorgeous .. such fab little characters

  6. I think the cat and dog in the wellies are my favourite but they are all soooo cute.

  7. Shirley Chalmers

    I love the one where the puppy is sleeping in the trainer he looks so relaxed. hugs Shirleyxx

  8. what a fab giveaway, I love core dinations and what a great combination for strawberry kisses, xx

  9. Beautiful card Leann, another fantastic range but I wouldn’t expect anything less from Crafters Companion, can’t wait to see the launch show, already thinking of things I could make with this range.

  10. i love the card you’ve created..lush.. my favourite would have to be the party girl sooo many cardsyou could make with that one.x

  11. Donna Fraser-Brown

    Of the ones I’ve seen i want them all as so difficult 2 choose between + only have just 1 favourite xxx

  12. Leann your card is stunning the colours are great and it’s soooooo sweet.
    I am afraid I haven’t got a favorite I love them all and can’t wait to get my mitts on them.

    Hugs Julie x

  13. You are spoiling us Leann not only with your lovely pics of samples but the cance to win some core’ dination’s too. A fantastic set of stamps can’t wait to buy them and the cd. My favourite from the images I have seen has got to be the puppy in the shoe just because he looks so cute and cuddly

  14. I like the puppy in the trainer

  15. i like in this together being both in a boot is so cool really wants this stamp for my son who’s got engaged so wants to maake special card

  16. I think after thinking long and hard about which is my fav stamp it has to be the cat asleep in the shoe, I would love to own a pair of shoes like that. Good luck everyone and keep up the good work leann, Happy New Year


  17. The wellie boot one is adorable but I also love the cat in the shoe, so hard to pick!!

  18. Hi Leann,
    Thanks for the opportunity, as to my favourite, which ever one I’m looking at is my favourite, so it’s the Birthday Cat card!

    Jackie x

  19. What a fab give away Ooooooo…They are just all so cute but would have to say my fav is the kitten in the shoe because it means I could have the shoe in all the colours, wish my real shoe collection could come in all the colours of my pens :)……

  20. Oh leann I just love this card. The whole concept of the card is excellent. I love the paper flower with the button and ribbon too – may have to borrow this flower idea too if that’s ok.

    Thanks for the chance of winning the coordinations. My link is http://rachelscardsandcrafts.blogspot.com/2012/01/leanns-surprise.html.

    Hugs Rachel xxxx

  21. Hi Leann. This is a simply beautiful card. Thanks to you, Sara and the CC Design Team for all the sneak peeks! You are a complete star … treating us via CC with the opportunity to win the CD and stamps, and now treating one lucky person to a pad of Core’dinations to boot! My favourite stamp has to be “Party Animal”, because I’d like that to be me after a night on the tiles … although, knowing my luck, it’s more likely to be me missing a night out because I’m tired!!!!!!! Hugs, Helen x

  22. What beautiful card Leann love these new stamps look forward to the launch on Friday . They all so cute if l have to pick a favourite it would be the kitten fast alseep in the shoe .xx

  23. Theresa Stratton

    The ‘strawberry kisses’ look wonderful Leann. I’m looking forward to making cards with them all. xx

  24. I love the birthday kitten as he is adorable and looks like he has already eaten plenty of cake. Can’t wait to see the demos. Anna (@anna1379)

  25. Beautiful card, I’m just learning to make cards I’m in the process of buying products from crafters companion hoping to learn alot thank you for sharing your wordpress..be bless!

  26. Hi Leann I just love them all but if I had to choose wihich is really difficult it would have to be MY BOY as I love it,
    Can’t wait for launch and to see all the demos
    Love to all
    Julie xxx

  27. Very nice card! The image is fantastic!

  28. lovely card leanne and im like so many others how can you possibly pick just one

  29. thanks for the cahnce for wining the cord nations pack ,it has to be puppy is sleeping in the trainer will go so well with my dogs .Melanie

  30. I love the image!!!!! Lovely your card, the colours and the flower you use!!!! Thanks for the chance. HAPPY 2012!!!!

  31. Love the card and love how the flower. I can’t pick a favourite,I love ’em all. I love all the Core’dinations too. Hope I’m lucky to win this one and just can not wait to get my Strawberry Kisses Range ordered. Thank you for this chance of winning this prize and Good Luck to everyone xx

    My link is https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1056576319

  32. Leann, firstly Happy New Year to you and your family.

    Oh these are gorgeous. I think my favourite has to be the wellington boot image followed a close second by the shoe image. I shall look forward to the shows – I’m even off work on leave so that was good planning!!

    I have put a post about your offer on my blog at:

    Hope this is OK

    Best wishes

    Kym xxx

  33. They are all cute but love the party animal in the shoe. It is so cute & could be used for any age & several occasions …Thanks for the chance to win

  34. Thanks for the chance to win a fabulous Coordination Pack.

    My favourite stamp is the one with the kitty in the shoe – it reminds me of my Maine Coon who can sleep absolutely anywhere he fancies LOL!!!


  35. Crafty Chocolate Muncher

    Just love them all they are soo cute hard to choose. Just can’t wait for the “Friday feeling” to really kick in. Thanks for yet another chance of winning such great stash.

  36. Oh WOW Leann, this collection is adorable!!! My favourite stamps is probably the cat in the bag but then again it could be the cat in the shoe or the cat and the cake!!!! They are all just sooooooo scrummy!!!!!! I love em all!!!!!

    I have put you on my blog – so to speak!!! Thanks so much for the chance of winning this fab prize!
    Looking forward to seeing you Friday with your fab demos!!!



  37. Beautiful card, carnt wait for Friday. Keep up the good work leann. 🙂 xx

  38. love the one with the tall cocktail glass- and i would use them cherries allllll the time xxx

  39. Hi
    thanks for the chance to win some fab cordinations paper
    hard to choose but the kitten in the boot and the flower pot are really cute, thought I had already posted but cant find it
    best wishes angxx

  40. Great card I suppose Yum might be very appealing as a stamp and card.

  41. The new ‘Strawberry Kisses’ range is wonderful!!! The images are all so adorable and I can’t wait to get hold of my own complete set. It’s really hard to choose a favourite, but I do love the ‘Flower Power’ image of the little kitten peaking out of the flower pot having her own sneaky peak.

    I would like to thank everyone at CC for bringing this adorable range to us, we are such lucky crafter’s to have you there, to bring us such wonderful products.

    Happy Crafting!!! 🙂 X X

    Here’s the link to the post on my blog about your wonderful surprise, with a link back here…


  42. It’s lovely Leann, havn’t really got a favourite but do like the kitten in the shoe. Thanks for the chance of winning such fan-tast-ic stash.

  43. Hi Leanne

    My favourite stamp has to be the one you have used. I am a cat lover so this image is perfect for cat lovers too as well as cup cake lovers

    the SN pens are fab to use with all CC stamps which i am looking forward to my 24 packs delivery hopefully soon, The cordinations somod will work perfectly with any card or paper craft especally if you distress the card by using your sand it and dust buddy. I am really looking forward to fridays pick of the week on CnC. Thank you so much for all your insparation.

  44. Patricia Watson

    Just love them all Leann!

  45. Love the so Mod paper pack -It’s got plenty of really useable colours for any occasion

  46. Such lovely images, looking forward to seeing the shows. Think my favourite has to be the one you have used for this card!!

  47. I love the cat in the shoe and I know someone who would love a card with this image on.
    Thanks for the chance to win – love cordinations.

  48. https://www.facebook.com/casimmondsuk

    I just love the idea of a competition freebie but never win…:-( But i love coredinations card stock and would love to be able to give it a try first before I need to buy it…..lol

  49. What a gorgeous new collection, cats are ma favourite pet, and these are just so cute, my favourite would have to be little miss, it reminds me of my toddler, katie, cute, adorable and mischievous lol, have a great launch x x dawn
    I have shared it here http://www.facebook.com/dawnlouiseh

  50. Cat & Dog in the wellies I think, but then you make it soooooo hard to choose!!!!! Alison PS – am keeping positive that I might win!!!

  51. Samantha Ackland

    What a beautiful new range all of them are so lovely i guess if i have to pick a fav its the cuties one, its just so cute 🙂 HAPPY NEW YEAR! xx

  52. pauline Sweeney

    I to loooovvveee the “Kitty Birthday” stamp its so cute and appeals to everyone.

  53. they are all fantastic as usual from crafterscompanion, but i do like the kitten in the shoe one.

    Good luck to everyone xx

  54. OOOh thank you for the chance to wine these… gorge. xx

  55. Lovely New stamps… What a start to new year Happy Crafting TV set for pick of week cannot wait.. Regards Marrisssa

  56. I love the cupcake stamp you have chosen with the Kitty. I love Crafters Companion products as they are really good quality and very versatile.

    My blog is
    although I am a little behind in updating it due to too much card-making!!!

    Linda Ross

  57. Oh my goodness, its not fair to ask which is the favourite. They all are. But I do love the Kitten in the boot. Ive got Cats, so thats the one im going for.
    Such a beautiful collection xxx

  58. Janette Callaghan

    love this card, you could use it for young or old, everyone loves a cute card,

  59. Hi Leanne, What a fab giveaway, thanks for the chance to win. What can I say about this range of stamps, they are all soooo cute. My favourite is Party Girl, no sorry its Party Animal, oh no its My Dog, oh please dont make me choose, I love them all.
    Big hugs Sue x

  60. How can you expect me to choose from such a fantastic range of images. They are all so cute but i think it would have to be the little puppy in the trainer he is so cute and if i coloured him in in different colours he would look like my beloved little Sprocket RIP. Thanks for the opportunity of winning some wonderful card to go with the wonderful range xx

  61. I like the one with the kitten asleep on the cupcake .xx

  62. Lovely images they will have so many uses and cover so many ages. Looking forward to Friday. see ya xxxxx

  63. love the kitty asleep with a cupcake reminds me of my grandaughter who got a cupcake stand shape sorter and served us cupcakes all christmas. lovely mem
    janetories are so precious

  64. Hi Leann
    I just know I am going to love the POTW tomorrow and I am trying to be kind to my bank balance at the mo…….it’s going to be so difficult!
    Sue xx

  65. leanne I love all the stamps but if I had to pick a fav it would be the kitten in the shoe, it is so cute but then again they are so beautiful. Dawn Bromehead


  66. I haven’t got a favorite I just love them all,

    Hugs Julie x

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